Monday, February 15, 2010

preparing for lent

PS 23
Luke 10:38-40

How can we complain when He Himself was considered 'as one struck by God and afflicted' (Isa. 53:4)- St. Therese of Lisieux

O strange and inconceivable thing! We did not really die, we were not really buried, we were not really crucified and raised again, but our imitation was but a figure, while our salvation is in reality. Christ was actually crucified, and actually buried, and truly rose again; and all these things have been vouchsafed to us, that we, by imitation communicating in His sufferings, might gain salvation in reality. O surpassing loving-kindness! Christ received the nails in His undefiled hands and feet, and endured anguish; while to me without suffering or toil, by the fellowship of His pain He vouchsafed salvation. –St. Cyril of Jerusalem

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