Sunday, February 28, 2010

2nd Sunday of Lent

We see how Christ was transformed to help give support for the disciples on their journey. But after that Jesus had His journey to the Cross. Are we transforming our life preparing to follow Christ both to the Cross then to Eternal life with him?

Matthew 6:22-23
James 1:12-15
Ezekiel 14:3-5

We are born to love, we live to love, and we will die to love still more. - Saint Joseph Cafasso

He who wishes to love God does not truly love Him if he has not an ardent and constant desire to suffer for His sake. - St. Aloysius Gonzaga

Who is so strong as never to be overcome by temptation, except he who has the grace of the Lord for his helper? - St. Augustine

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday 1st week of lent

Are we asking for things that in God's will or are we asking only what we want? do we keep God's will in our focus when we are asking God for anything?

Luke 19:8-9
Revelations 2:19-21
Psalm 118:28-29

In detachment, the spirit finds quiet and repose for coveting nothing. Nothing wearies it by elation, and nothing oppresses it by dejection, because it stands in the center of its own humility. - St. John of the Cross

"He who wants to win the world for Christ must have the courage to come in conflict with it." - Blessed Titus Brandsma

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday 1st week of lent

Do we look to our Lord in all of our needs? or do we tend to only look to Christ in times of need?

John 7:7
Romans 1:16
Baruch 3:2-3

Every time that God converts a hardened sinner he is working a far greater miracle. -Saint John Regis

If you truly want to help the soul of your neighbor, you should approach God first with all your heart. Ask him simply to fill you with charity, the greatest of all virtues; with it you can accomplish what you desire. - Saint Vincent Ferrer from On the Spiritual Life

Sunday, February 21, 2010

First Sunday of Lent

Jesus faced 3 temptations that of the flesh, that of Pride and the temptation to be your own God and not do God's will. And Jesus shows us how to conquer these temptations.

Proverbs 15:7-9
Psalms 85:8-9
Isaiah 62:11-12

He does much in the sight of God who does his best, be it ever so little. -Saint Peter of Alcantara

The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers. -Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday after ash Wed

How do we fast or what do we give up for Christ? are we giving this up for God or for ourselves.

IS 61:1-4
John 2:5

Nothing is anything more to me; everything is nothing to me, but Jesus: neither things nor persons, neither ideas nor emotions, neither honor nor sufferings. Jesus is for me honor, delight, heart and soul. -Saint Bernadette of Lourdes

The Prayer of the sick person is his patience and his acceptance of his sickness for the love of Jesus Christ. Make sickness itself a prayer, for there is none more powerful, save martyrdom! - Saint Francis de Sales

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday after Ash Wed

Lent is a time of year when we can pause and see how are we growing cloer to Christ. not just a time where we might try to lose weight or do something that is healthy but a time to actually work on our relationship with Christ. Many people will talk about God like He does not understand. Did God suffer? Yes, Did God know poverty? Yes, Does God understand when people abandon you and insult you? Yes. Jesus lived through all that we have gone through so we can turn to Him in all we do.

Proverbs 15:7-9
Psalm 85:8-9
Isaiah 62:11-12

God's love does not differentiate between the newly conceived infant still in his or her mother's womb and the child or young person, or the adult and the elderly person. God does not distinguish between them because he sees an impression of his own image and likeness (Gn 1:26) in each one. - Pope Benedict XVI

Let nothing trouble you, let nothing make you afraid. All things pass away. God never changes. Patience obtains everything. God alone is enough. -Saint Teresa of Avila

When we look at the face of Jesus we look into our own humanity and come closer to His Divinity.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wed

Matt 3:1-2
Jer 8:6

'There was once a solitary who had built himself a royal palace in the trunk of an oak-tree; he had placed thorns inside of it, and he had fastened three stones over his head, so that when he raised himself or turned over he might feel the stones or the thorns. And we, we think of nothing but finding good beds, that we may sleep at our ease.' - St. Jean Marie Baptiste Vianney, the Cure of Ars

'We ought to fast, and to abstain from all vice, and from all that will lead us into sin, as well as from extravagance and superfluity. We should often visit the churches, and venerate and reverence all ecclesiastics on account of their office, and because they distribute the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ, which they offer in sacrifice, receive themselves, and administer to others. And let everyone know and hold for certain that we cannot be saved except through the sacred Words and the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which priests preach, announce, and distribute, and of which they are the sole ministers.' - St. Francis of Assisi

How do we apply the idea of lent into our lives? How are you preparing to get closer to Christ?

Monday, February 15, 2010

preparing for lent

PS 23
Luke 10:38-40

How can we complain when He Himself was considered 'as one struck by God and afflicted' (Isa. 53:4)- St. Therese of Lisieux

O strange and inconceivable thing! We did not really die, we were not really buried, we were not really crucified and raised again, but our imitation was but a figure, while our salvation is in reality. Christ was actually crucified, and actually buried, and truly rose again; and all these things have been vouchsafed to us, that we, by imitation communicating in His sufferings, might gain salvation in reality. O surpassing loving-kindness! Christ received the nails in His undefiled hands and feet, and endured anguish; while to me without suffering or toil, by the fellowship of His pain He vouchsafed salvation. –St. Cyril of Jerusalem

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What is the blog

This blog is to help people to grow closer to Christ and helping them to learn more about Christ in their lives by giving Scripture passages and images and thoughts to journal on.

Journaling can be such a beautiful way find so much about ourselves.

So lets get started.
On the scripture passages I find it good to read the passages then pray and mediate on them to see if there is anything that applies to us in our way of life.

IS 43:1-5
Jer 29:11-14

Something to think about
However great the work that God may achieve by an individual, he must not indulge in self-satisfaction. He ought rather to be all the more humbled, seeing himself merely as a tool which God has made use of. -- St Vincent de Paul

Luke 6:20-26
When we act or do anything do we look for our reward here or in heaven?